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    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh reacted to Exill's post in the thread Soranik Audio Discussion with Like Like.
      I just received my Mems-3 (non-s) from Soranik. Basically a cheaper version of Mems-3s with a BA bass instead of DD bass. But still...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh posted a reply to a review on the item Soranik MEMS-3S.
      > What's the point of that? Humans can't hear past ~24KHz. It's literally not possible. From technical standpoints of drivers, the...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh posted a reply to a review on the item Soranik MEMS-3S.
      > Does it still make sound? Edit: nevermind, don’t try. What if something somewhere somehow is overloaded and starts smoking Nothing...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh posted a reply to a review on the item Soranik MEMS-3S.
      ^ Speaking of ultrasonic, the new MEMS speakers from SonicEdge (SE2000) and xMEMS (Cypress) can extend up to MegaHertz before being...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh reacted to o0genesis0o's reply to a review on item Soranik MEMS-3S with Like Like.
      What happen if you plug this IEM to a normal amplifier?
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh reacted to oratory1990's post in the thread Soranik Audio Discussion with Like Like.
      MEMS speakers (at least those currently on the market) differ from "traditional" loudspeakers in that their electric impedance is almost...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh replied to the thread Soranik Audio Discussion.
      With the Diablo 2, you can enjoy more sound tuning options as the xMEMS mode on the Diablo 2 is EQ-ed internally. You can try connecting...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh reacted to o0genesis0o's post in the thread Soranik Audio Discussion with Like Like.
      Please do share! I missed that seminar (because I didn’t go to canjam 😂). I’ve always been curious about that “scaling” characteristic...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh replied to the thread Soranik Audio Discussion.
      Thanks Kiats for the detailed impressions (and Steve too!). Indeed the MEMS speakers benefit a lot from additional power. The Onix with...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh reacted to Kiats's post in the thread Soranik Audio Discussion with Like Like.
      I was chatting with @SteveK27 about the MEMS-3S and he asked if I had tried it on my desktop rigs as he suspected the heft and drive of...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh reacted to Kiats's post in the thread Soranik Audio Discussion with Like Like.
      I have had some time with the MEMS-3S now. I have found that for the streaming DAPs I have, the Shanling M9+ works best. I have on...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh reacted to Kiats's post in the thread Soranik Audio Discussion with Like Like.
      Well, the sources I have used thus far, the DX320X with balanced nutube amp card and the M9+, have pretty full mids and smooth trebles...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh replied to the thread Soranik Audio Discussion.
      Yes we are running prototypes of the next version right now, they can swing more than 3 times (roughly ±20V) the original design of the...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh replied to the thread Soranik Audio Discussion.
      That was faster than I expected! Please note that the commercial version of the energizer will not have the Bypass function, this one is...
    • nhat_thanh
      nhat_thanh reacted to Kiats's post in the thread Soranik Audio Discussion with Like Like.
      I missed out on CJ SG due to a stay in hospital. Hence, when @Uncle Wilson from Jaben SG offered to send across the demo unit of the new...
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