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  1. Ghoostknight

    (Piezoelectric) Crystals, Hifi and Negative Ions... there are cheaper options, this was the offer i bought for 34 euro i also bought this one: but keep in mind that all electrical negative ion generators also produce ozone as a...
  2. Ghoostknight

    (Piezoelectric) Crystals, Hifi and Negative Ions...

    since the ion counter probably arrives tomorrow, let me do measurements first and i might go into the result then :)
  3. Ghoostknight

    (Piezoelectric) Crystals, Hifi and Negative Ions...

    (proper) orgonites contain piezoelectric crystals and conducting materials
  4. Ghoostknight

    (Piezoelectric) Crystals, Hifi and Negative Ions...

    well once the negative ion tester arrives i let picture speak, of course i try to do it methodical i will first try crystals on top of speakers.... same amount of crystals +/- 1g, same crystal size (i got mostly 1-3mm stuff but also some powder stuff to compare), different crystals probably...
  5. Ghoostknight

    (Piezoelectric) Crystals, Hifi and Negative Ions...

    honeslty i sometimes like monologues, better than arguments flying back and forth (or well, comments as the other has figured out arguing is worthless) because everyone persists on their opinion...
  6. Ghoostknight

    (Piezoelectric) Crystals, Hifi and Negative Ions...

    its not about oblivious but about not caring what others think, i just wanna check it out, out of curiousity... and to be sure first of all... before i ramble more about possible benefits :P i find it hard to believe in the "crystal magic" without any scientific clue, thats why i do this...
  7. Ghoostknight

    (Piezoelectric) Crystals, Hifi and Negative Ions...

    or piezoelectric crystals placed on speakers aggregated by vibrations, yes :) there are good examples on youtube where people measure negative ions around orgonites... there is definitely something going on i think mainly wanna check this myself specially for hifi uses where we can actually...
  8. Ghoostknight

    (Piezoelectric) Crystals, Hifi and Negative Ions...

    maybe for you :)
  9. Ghoostknight

    (Piezoelectric) Crystals, Hifi and Negative Ions...

    Small update, im just waiting for the negative ion tester to arrive since the paper test i did wasnt "obvious", so we should see in the upcoming days some measurements with it to conclude this topic...
  10. Ghoostknight

    DIY Ground Box Thread

    this is graphite, not magnetite couldnt find much offers on the EU market and it somewhat lines up with the EU prices i just bought 100g powder for 9 euro from a EU seller rough magnetite crystlas 5-10mm is also around 10 euro for 100g 2-5mm 10 euro per 50g What does this stuff cost in US? im...
  11. Ghoostknight

    DIY Ground Box Thread

    A seller im in contact with on etsy just made a new listing for me crushed magnetite in different sizes, i thought some of you might be interested too :) ah glad you figured it out :)
  12. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    i think i can decide myself what i go on and on about ;)
  13. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    the -78.7db are also SNR, maybe this gets calculated into the thd+noise measurement? Here with distortion lowpass at 20khz gain -10db: -92db noise is probably more in line with what amir measured it makes sense that SNR goes down with reducing volume... i guess the thd+n measurement takes the...
  14. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    Can i take from this that noise is "always" higher than any distortion component? and distortion just shows up because of the FFT processing?
  15. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    -3.6db dac gain: -10db dac gain: ADC without Input:
  16. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    Oh! i think they dont have to be summed up but taking more multiple measurements just cancels more noise out right? let me do some more measurements with your recommended settings later, thanks
  17. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    I just noticed this after watching this: because i wasnt aware of "Phase Noise" but i always wondered how the thicker bottom part of a sinetone is "expressed", its phase noise :) As you see, even "Phase Noise" is improved by lowering gain, but i guess i have to line up the top of both signals...
  18. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    isnt this what all the measurement crap is all about, to see how something performs (worst case i guess) no matter how audible it is? .... i thought its interesting to share something that actually improves performance "from the worst case", because my guess is thousands of people are not aware...
  19. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    not sure why you feel like you have to "play this topic down" i just thought i would share some measurements that show a clear unlinear relationship between signal and harmonic distortion since this objectively(!) improves performance
  20. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    but its still a unlinear relationship which you dont seem to get, better to make some BS arguments :)
  21. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    thats what i said myself .... it still made a difference, you can think of it as you want, i dont care i didnt test this only once, that was also the reason why i did (for once honestly) a level matched comparison ------- I guess i have answer the DR range question myself.... its some more BS...
  22. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    as i see it my measurements clearly show that there is 115db of SFDR between 20hz and 30khz with gain at -10db
  23. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    Is the dynamic range measurement related to the SINAD measurement? in theory, with my proposed fix of harmonic distortion (-10db gain which ends up with -25db harmonic distortion) also the sinad value should be improved i think
  24. Ghoostknight

    Is this normal behaviour for dacs?

    One more thing... could someone explain why a dynamic range measurement shows less dynamic range then there actually is? (see the multitone test with 115db) i know other dacs show even more in the multitone test but i cant wrap my head around why multitone shows 115db and the DR measurement 95db